Journal Paper Publications in UGC CARE, ABDC, Anna University Annexure Listed, Scopus, SCIE, ESCI, AHCI, SSCI, BKCI, CPCI, PubMed, PMC, MedLine, EMBASE, DOAJ etc.

We are looking for authors and institutes who are interested in  publishing their monographs, National and International conference proceedings and new Journals. We have a worldwide network and a well-organized and strong infrastructure. A mailing list of One hundred and fifty thousand or so intellectuals, scholars, Universities, Institutions, reviewers and common readers worldwide strengthen it further. Coping with the modern publishing necessities, we have a fully computerized production infrastructure.

1.1 Publishing Activities :

Publishing Activities

After you submit your manuscript to Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private  Limited (TJPRC), a production editor will be assigned to your work. That person will work closely with you and various production specialists to ensure that your paper moves through the following stages of production as smoothly as possible. We publish technical papers in Scopus, SCI, SCIE, ESCI, Web of Science indexed journals.

1.2 Copy editing :

Copy editing

A copy editor will edit your manuscript electronically, line by line, using the revisions (track changes) feature in MS Word. You will then be e-mailed the copyedited manuscript and have an opportunity to review the edits, answer queries, and make any necessary changes before typesetting. In case of no change, your manuscript will be sent to the next step.

1.3 Type setting :

The edited manuscript is laid out in pages and  will be sent to the author, a proofreader and usually any contributors to the book.

1.4 Proof reading :

Proof readingThe page proofs are read not only by the author but also by a professional proofreader, who corrects errors and defects in the copyediting stage. Author and the proofreader will return the corrected proof to the production editor, who submits it  to the typesetter for correction. The production editor then reviews the revised proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made. If author’s material is perfect, then it will be sent to the next step.

1.5 Printing :

The final page-layout files are sent to the printer. Three to five weeks later, freshly bound Journal books arrive in Transstellar Journal Publications  and Research Consultancy Private  Limited (TJPRC).

Third Party Partnership – Journal Selection and Publication:

Publishing a paper in SCI & SCIE Journal can be as tedious as writing one. Transstellar supports, aids and guides you in preparing for Scopus, WOS-SCIE, UGC CARE, ABDC, DOAJ, EMBASE, MEDLINE journal publications. You can get  Scopus, WOS-SCIE, UGC CARE, ABDC,  DOAJ, EMBASE, MEDLINE journal areticle writing and publication assistance.


Transstellar has collaborations and partnerships with various global journal publishers for publications.  Transstellar organizes Conferences, Meetings, Summits and Workshops globally which help in enhancing the skills of the people and forms a common platform for eminent personalities, professionals, researchers, and teaching fraternities.

Transstellar\’s partnered journals are peer reviewed and collaborated journals aimed to publish the most interesting and complete reliable source of information on current  developments various disciplines like Arts, Science, Humanities, Management, Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Sciences, Nursing, Dentistry, Physiotheraphy etc.,

When it comes to publication in 3rd party journals, Transstellar publishes research articles in the prominent open access & closed journals that promote and globalise peculiar innovation of researchers by publishing their scientific articles within the chronicles, journals and transactions of worldwide periodicals.

We tend to suggest that research scholars browse the reviews, assessments and descriptions provided in the journal website, in order to decide for themselves whether or  not they need to submit articles.


For any specific requirements, please send an email to or call +91 98410 18718